Welcome Back Service
After changes in Phase 2 policies announced today by Gov. Cuomo – Sunday, June 7 will officially be our “Welcome Back Service” at Family Church Fredonia!
There will be some policies in place to help us follow CDC Recommendations for Houses of Worship:
- We will still be offering the radio service on the street for those who are not comfortable coming in the building. Please know we do not wish to pressure anyone to violate their conscience by gathering if you are not ready to. Pastor Michael and the ushers will still greet those in their vehicles outside, and receive offerings as well so you can participate in service.
- Please use only the front doors to enter the church. You will he asked to use hand sanitizer upon entry.
- Please wear a mask upon entry into the building. You can remove the mask if you wish once you are seated.
- Ushers will be in the lobby to count occupants, and direct you accordingly. You will be seated in our Sanctuary and Balcony spaces, before using the Fellowship Hall as an overflow area.
- If you have any displayed any symptoms of sickness, please exercise wisdom and do not come in the church building. You can stay in your vehicle and listen by radio, or take advantage of live stream at home.
- At the end of service, we will receive the offering. You can drop your tithes and offerings in the trunks on the platform, and exit to the doors to the right or left. Please do not exit through the back doors of the sanctuary. This will allow us to avoid congestion.
- There will not be any children’s or nursery ministries for the time being. Children are more than welcome to sit in the service upstairs, and if you need to excuse yourself, you are welcome to sit in the fellowship hall downstairs.
Thank you to everyone for your diligence and faithfulness. The day is here – we’re getting back in our home!