Announcements – March 9, 2025
Corporate Prayer
- Resumes Monday, March 10
Word and Spirit Services
- Resumes Tuesday, March 11
Youth Group
- Our youth group is heading to Mission Meadows again for a week of fellowship, faith, and fun. Folks with youth in 5-12th grade at the end of the 2024-2025 school year can see Revs. Jason or Liz Ferguson with questions
- And this month, we are focusing on the youth!
- Our monthly needs/leads offering will be going to help offset the cost of camp for kids in FC Youth
Sages of All Ages
- The Sages bowling party has been re-scheduled for Sunday, March 23 from 2-4pm
- Cost is $4 per game and $3 for shoe rental
- There will also be a dinner at Denny’s afterwards
- Anyone 50 and older can sign up in the lobby!
Family Seminar
- Join Pastor Michael from April 13-15 for a three-night Family Seminar!
- We will be looking at topics for singles, married people, and families with children.
- Plan to attend all 3 nights – you’ll be glad you did!
Worship Night
- We are planning a Worship Night at the Fredonia Opera House on Good Friday, April 18!
- More details to come, but mark your calendars
Child Health Policy
- Please click here to view our updated health policy regarding minors at Family Church Fredonia.
FCI Giving
- For those who’d like to give to or partner with Family Church International, you can now do so via the Family Church Fredonia app, website, or text to give.
- Download the app ‘Church Center’ from the App Store or Google Play and search for Family Church Fredonia.
- Or, go to
- Or, text any amount followed by ‘fci’ to 84321 to text to give. (for instance – ’50 fci’)
- Family Church International is Pastor Michael’s ministry organization. Funds donated here go toward helping churches and ministries, and help Pastor Michael travel to Bible Schools and churches internationally.
- Do you have a testimony of something amazing that God has done in your life? We want to hear about it! There is power in our testimonies – and it helps to spark faith in others!
- Please write any testimonies – no matter how big or small – on the welcome cards in the seats so we can know how God is moving in your life.
- Or, you can email and the staff will get it that way, too.
- Starting 15 minutes before service, kids ages 2-4 can be checked into the nursery downstairs for free child-care during Sunday Morning Services.
Baby Room
- Starting 15 minutes before service, crawlers – age 1 can be checked into the nursery downstairs for free child-care during Sunday Morning Services.
Church Center
- Download the Church Center app for iPhone or Android to check in and register at services, and give even easier than before.
- For Android Users, click here:
- For Apple iPhone users: