Campmeeting Announcements

Campmeeting Announcements

Announcements and Offering – Campmeeting 2023 – July 11-13, 2023

Child Care

  • We are excited to announce we will have childcare for all 3 services! 
  • Crawlers to age 4 can be checked into our children’s rooms downstairs 15 minutes before service starts.
  • Please be sure to head right down after service ends and pick up your kids.

Cell Phones

  • Please double check and make sure your phones are turned off or silenced.

Faith Break

  • Every Thursday, we release ‘Faith Break’ on all our social media channels for FCI and Family Church Fredonia.
  • This is a 15-minute faith boost message to watch on a lunch break or listen to in the car on the way to or from work.
  • Be sure to subscribe and listen, you’ll be blessed for it!

Family Church Reunion

  • Sunday, July 23 from 4-8 pm at Pastors’ home!
  • 3484 Route 83 in Fredonia, open to attenders of all the Family Churches.
  • Hot dogs, ice creams, and games and activities for the whole family.
  • Bring a lawn chair and a topping to share and come fellowship with us! 


  • About once monthly, Pastor Michael has offered a mentoring class for those training for ministry or seeking to know more about the things of God.
  • This is a question-and-answer format class that has been invitation only.
  • We are opening it up to whoever would like to attend!
  • The next class is scheduled for August 13.
  • Visit, or text JOIN mentoring to ‘716-869-1468’ for more information.

New Meetings

  • Starting this fall, Pastor Michael will be hosting two additional conferences at Family Church Fredonia.
  • We will have a fall Prayer Conference, and a spring Marriage and Family Conference.
  • Stay tuned to our text alerts and social media channels for more information and dates, which will be announced soon!


  • Please make checks payable to Family Church, or cash in offering envelopes.
  • You can text to give by texting any amount ‘84321’
  • Or, go to our website, and click ‘Give’
  • You can also use the Church Center app 
  • Thursday will be our Double Up offering!